Storage and Display

Late Victorian Solid Oak Chest of Drawers C1900

Art Deco Birds Eye Maple Cabinet Tallboy C1930

Charming Art Deco Oak Hallstand with Drawer C1930s

Matching Pair Oak Barristers Bookcases By Gunn C1920

Mid Century Science Lab 10 Drawer Cabinet C1950

Art Deco English Oak Sideboard Cabinet 2 Drawer C.1935

1930s Vintage English Oak Open Bookcase

Pair 1930s Art Deco Pouffe Footstools Tuffet With Storage

Lovely Victorian Country Painted Pine Chest Drawers C.1880

Handsome Oak Art Deco 2 Drawer Cabinet C1930

Charming Arts and Crafts Oak Hall Umbrella Stand C.1920

Unusual and Very Decorative Iron Storage Box Table C1915

Early Victorian Country House Dining Table Leaf Cupboard

Gordon Russell Mid Century Satinwood and Indian Rosewood Sideboard